Keith Tse (法律行政專員)

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Keith Tse 自 2023 年起加入安泰律师事务所 (ATAC LAW) 担任行政助理。在此之前,Keith 曾在香港一家知名房地产开发公司工作,并在大温哥华地区的公证事务所担任法律助理。至于学历,Keith 毕业于香港理工大学 (PolyU) ,并曾是英属哥伦比亚大学 (UBC) 的交换生。拥有这样的背景使得Keith能流利使用粤语、普通话和英语。

在安泰律师事务所,Keith 主要负责处理公司内部的财务事务,并为中文和韩语客户提供专业服务,协助新客户与我们律师事务所合适的律师匹配。

Work with Top-Rated Canadian Lawyers at ATAC LAW

Please fill out the contact form below, or call us at 604-519-0660 at your convenience.

All of your information will be kept strictly confidential upon your inquiry. You will speak with one of our administrative assistants who will gather your information and forward it to a lawyer at the firm with experience in the area of law related to your inquiry. We look forward to hearing from you.